알고리즘/CodeWars13 [CodeWars] javascript - 6kyu : Returning Strings 기본적인 문제는 문제풀이 없이 Solution만 작성되어 있습니다. Title Returning Strings Description Make a function that will return a greeting statement that uses an input; your program should return, "Hello, how are you doing today?". [ Example Output ] 'Naver'// => "Hello, Naver how are you doing today?". 'Google'// => "Hello, Google how are you doing today?". 'Daum'// => "Hello, Daum how are you doing today?". Test C.. 2020. 8. 10. [CodeWars] javascript - 6kyu : Will the present fit? 기본적인 문제는 문제풀이 없이 Solution만 작성되어 있습니다. Title Will the present fit? Description Santa's elves are boxing presents, and they need your help! Write a function that takes two sequences of dimensions of the present and the box, respectively, and returns a Boolean based on whether or not the present will fit in the box provided. The box's walls are one unit thick, so be sure to take that in to account... 2020. 7. 28. [CodeWars] javascript - 6kyu - Number Zoo Patrol 문제풀이 Title Number Zoo Patrol Description Background: You're working in a number zoo, and it seems that one of the numbers has gone missing! Zoo workers have no idea what number is missing, and are too incompetent to figure it out, so they're hiring you to do it for them. In case the zoo loses another number, they want your program to work regardless of how many numbers there are in total. Task: Write.. 2020. 5. 7. [CodeWars] javascript - 6kyu - Difference of 2 문제풀이 Title Difference of 2 Description The objective is to return all pairs of integers from a given array of integers that have a difference of 2. The result array should be sorted in ascending order of values. Assume there are no duplicate integers in the array. The order of the integers in the input array should not matter. Examples [1, 2, 3, 4] should return [[1, 3], [2, 4]] [4, 1, 2, 3] should a.. 2020. 5. 6. 이전 1 2 3 4 다음 반응형